Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Life . Love . Live .

Law of attraction, abundance, positive thinking, etc,
Is true to me.. however it may at times sounds too good to be true as well,
This is mainly due to the self - the negative programming that we are exposed to,
Conditioned us in a way to what we are today,
Filled with doubt, fear and greed,
These conditioning is a way of survival to the rest in generations before,
However, it is no longer applicable to the generations to come,
We are all struggling more and more to break free from these negative programming,
Trying all our might; reaching out to a new set of programming,
It is mainly an external struggle to set it right.

When one slow down and take some time to look within to evaluate the existing programs,
Practising love from within and along the way eradicate the programs that no longer functions or applicable,
Replacing with new sets of programs that is so filled with love,
Bringing joy and happiness in every aspect to self,
Seeing the world of duality is a classroom for all to learn,
with good intention, positive thinking and attract all abundance to oneself from the

Universe and Gaia,
Being provided for to spread the truth and love,
Raising one's vibrational rate in the process,
To discover that we are all energy being in the end,
Filled with light to illuminate the world.

Live Life~!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your innermost thoughts. I can see that 2009 is a challenge for you putting concepts into practice. I feel your pain, and I admire your strength and positive attitude. May you find the peace you are looking for.