Below is the experience from my own point of view... on how I see things as how it is...
After repeating this theory that come to me by chance; time after time; I decided to document it down and share it with everyone.
Our life is driven by two major factors:
x: The family programming that goes on from generation to generation and we are affected by it for we are born into this family. The programming can span out horizontally as far as our eyes can see, thru generations. They are like repetitive patterns that runs through generations.. Observe and see what are the patterns in one's family... for example similar repeating patterns in great-grandparents, grand-parents, parents, siblings, children, grand-children, great-grandchildren, etc..
y: The other factor is a vertical factor that is downloaded directly affecting us and not so much of the family lineage itself. It is also something that we are not able to see clearly and seemed to be as an invisible force, no direct reference. This factor is the soul factor, past life’s karmic programming or learning lessons that we are to learn as an individual in this present life.
Intersection point of x:y axis: where we are now.

Life Live~!
(*more updates on examples to be added from time to time...)
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