Thursday, November 19, 2009

* A B O U T L I F E ! *

Each morning I wake up and say to myself,
I have two choices today..
I can choose to be in a good mood or
I can choose to be in a bad mood..
I always choose to be in a good mood...

Each time something bad happens,
I can choose to be a victim or
I can choose to learn from it..
I always choose to learn from it...

Every time someone comes to me complaining,
I can choose to accept their complaining or
I can point out the positive side of life..
I always choose the positive side of life...

Life is all about choices.
When you cut away all the junk,
Every situation is a choice.
You choose how you react to situations.
You choose how people will effect your mood.
You choose to be in a good moor or bad mood,
It's your choice how you live your life~!

- Choose wisely.. there is no right or wrong.. there is only best and wise choice to oneself.. -

~***While cleaning and clearning my belongings, I found this write up about life...
I totally agree and it strongly reflect how I take life now.. whoever who wrote this, just wanna let you know it is great piece~!***~

Live Life~!