Thursday, November 19, 2009

* A B O U T L I F E ! *

Each morning I wake up and say to myself,
I have two choices today..
I can choose to be in a good mood or
I can choose to be in a bad mood..
I always choose to be in a good mood...

Each time something bad happens,
I can choose to be a victim or
I can choose to learn from it..
I always choose to learn from it...

Every time someone comes to me complaining,
I can choose to accept their complaining or
I can point out the positive side of life..
I always choose the positive side of life...

Life is all about choices.
When you cut away all the junk,
Every situation is a choice.
You choose how you react to situations.
You choose how people will effect your mood.
You choose to be in a good moor or bad mood,
It's your choice how you live your life~!

- Choose wisely.. there is no right or wrong.. there is only best and wise choice to oneself.. -

~***While cleaning and clearning my belongings, I found this write up about life...
I totally agree and it strongly reflect how I take life now.. whoever who wrote this, just wanna let you know it is great piece~!***~

Live Life~!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Life . Love . Live .

Law of attraction, abundance, positive thinking, etc,
Is true to me.. however it may at times sounds too good to be true as well,
This is mainly due to the self - the negative programming that we are exposed to,
Conditioned us in a way to what we are today,
Filled with doubt, fear and greed,
These conditioning is a way of survival to the rest in generations before,
However, it is no longer applicable to the generations to come,
We are all struggling more and more to break free from these negative programming,
Trying all our might; reaching out to a new set of programming,
It is mainly an external struggle to set it right.

When one slow down and take some time to look within to evaluate the existing programs,
Practising love from within and along the way eradicate the programs that no longer functions or applicable,
Replacing with new sets of programs that is so filled with love,
Bringing joy and happiness in every aspect to self,
Seeing the world of duality is a classroom for all to learn,
with good intention, positive thinking and attract all abundance to oneself from the

Universe and Gaia,
Being provided for to spread the truth and love,
Raising one's vibrational rate in the process,
To discover that we are all energy being in the end,
Filled with light to illuminate the world.

Live Life~!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Aware . Contemplate . Evolve .

When one experience darkness and during time to trials,
Look within self with the guidance from the source creator,
One will discover light, even from a distance, guiding one along the way,
Faith is what is needed to walk this road,
Which then leads to a journey of discovery, a journey of a lifetime,
To the purpose of oneself being in existence,
Learning and experiences oneself encounters,
Leading to the evolution of mankind and Gaia,

By taking the first step of being in love,
Love oneself by caring and providing for oneself,
Till the love overflows to those closest to them,
and thus, taking the journey of love,
Towards every beings that comes into contact with them,
Shall feel loved and begin to create love within themselves as well,
Healing mankind and Gaia along the process by rediscovering love,
Leading all to be ready to accept and welcome the next great shift.

Live Life~!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The state of doing nothing..

Today is the day that I experience and realised total peace..
Total peace by just doing nothing in particular..
Total peace by just doing nothing of importance..
Just lay there reading but do not know what i am reading..
Playing games and quizzes but do not know what i have played..
Dozing yet do not know how long i have been sleeping..
Time passes by so peacefully..
No rush.. No hurry.. Nada..
Total peace.. Total serenity.. Total calmness..

It is a total in-between states..
with only portion of things happens that is registered consciously..
Being totally aware of my state..
The state that i am in now..
The state of doing nothing..
The state of total peace..
The state of a wondrous feeling..

Live Life~!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Progress In Life...

it has been ages since i last posted anything here..

today is the day,
that i knew why my heart aches,
earlier in the days of this week,
felt the aching, burning, immensely sad..

with no apparent reason,
the heart is sadden,
weeping silently at work,
the heartfelt feeling so intense..

change happens faster and faster,
live life the detached way,
to be able to treat life as a learning experience,
with every turn of time is felt...

life is but a temporary learning avenue,
for us all to experience and learn,
for us all to move forward and to evolve,
into a better and stronger person in return...

life here is just but a fleeting moment,
tears flow like an endless river,
to cleanse every sorrow and grief,,
to make way for a new beginning...

what is the purpose of life?
what is the contract to be here?
what is the price to pay not to be aligned with one's sole purpose?
what is the purpose of being here?

~ be grateful, be strong, be wise. thank you for being there... thank you for sharing... thank you...

~ love always...
~ every ending, is also the beginning...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bert Hellinger’s Systemic Therapy

Bert Hellinger has created a startling and deeply healing way to explore and understand the limitations we impose on our success and health in life, professionally and personally. He has provided a way which allows us to see our agreement to conditions which both constrain us and, often, have little to do with us.

Hellinger discovered that the fates of those earlier in our families influence those who come later. Bert Hellinger noticed the presence and observed the actions of the family conscience which guards the integrity of the family system. What Hellinger has articulated are hidden orders supporting the flow of systemic energy in the service of bonding. In families, this energy is love; when these orders are ignored, love is harmed and family members, usually children, come under systemic pressure to balance the harm. Bert Hellinger’s systemic therapy provides a way of restoring balance to the system and alignment with what is. Because of the focus on the individual, family and greater consciences, or souls, this work is said to explore the movements of the soul.

extracted from Bert Hellinger's site

Awareness and Thinking

There are many ways to approach truth. I myself pursue one course that I know well but many others run alongside it. It’s curious however that, though there are many composers, no two have discovered the same melody. Each has his own insight. Every melody is different and each, in its own way, beautiful.

No two people can have the same insight about the same thing. If they both have an insight about the same thing, that of one differs slightly from that of the other. Fullness cannot be confined to one course.

Some people shirk awareness in that they make an assertion or raise an objection that they have thought up without any deeper understanding of what it is they are asserting. Making such assertions is cheap. Anyone can do it, even a fool. But when awareness meets awareness both are enhanced by the encounter.

Thinking without awareness always revolves around the same thing - whatever is familiar. From thinking alone insight cannot arise. Insight emerges from awareness. Then thinking ensues. Insight begins with awareness and is developed through the process of thinking.

by Bert Hellinger

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Understand . Respect . Love . (U.R.L.)

Understand, appreciate and being grateful
of things happening around us daily is a gift – of experience and learning,
Understanding is really important..
To understand it is as good not understanding when it is taken for granted..
Why do humans have to be doing such a thing?
How do we go about cultivating it more in oneself?
To understand, respect and love one another?
Treasure the existence on Earth and being thankful for the great experience?
However, before that – understand oneself first…

Respect God,
Respect Elders,
Respect Family,
Respect Loved Ones,
Respect Friends,
Respect Colleagues,
Respect each other…
Most importantly – respect oneself first…

Love – there is many kind of it.
Universal Love,
Family Love,
Motherly Love,
Fatherly Love,
Sibling Love,
Friendship Love,
Romantic Love,
and many more…
What is love when one does not even know how to love oneself?

Yin and Yang? Black and White? Yes and No? Female and Male?
Does one have to feel sad in order to feel happy?
Does one have to feel detest in order to feel love?
Does one have to go through misunderstandings in order to understand?

Where is the balance and equality?
Balance is extremely important.
Being stereotype, sexist and double standard will not help in cultivating the balance.
Balance is being obtained from careful cultivation – of understanding, trust, respect and love.

We are all here to learn – as the mind is a vast data storage area..
We are here to experience life, love and gather knowledge…
One will always be ignorant of it until one is willing to accept, understand, respect and love.
Do not do things that one does not want being done onto oneself…
It will sadden me much to know – see, hear, feel, taste and smell such an event or experience in the society…

What is life?
Life is all about choices…
Choose wisely…

Live Life~!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Life Purpose! Is there one?

What is the purpose of life?
Why are we here?
What are we suppose to do?

Life to many is full of obstacles, pain and sufferings..
But do we know that when this happens, it will have a turn towards betterment...
Perhaps, all these might be a form of test?
- Testing our patience, faith and knowledge...

On what we have learnt throughout a particular given timeframe - a week? a month? a year? a decade? A LIFETIME!
Also for us humans to reflect back and contemplate on what we have done, achieved and accomplished.

We have evolved so much that we come to neglect the simplicity of things in life..
The simplicity of things we are to see and experience in a lifetime... Love...
We have involved in the material world chase - A never ending one...
Wake up... Wake up... Wake up...

Look within oneself and ask, search and embrace the findings...
To me, life here on Earth is most blessed.
Thus, live life -
Live the NOWwww...

(Diedre and Chris, thank you for your insights.. Am slowly coming to see what it is meant and how it is to be.. + thank the person who pulls us all together too..)